Web 3 Series #4: METAVERSE - A Universe that Is Beyond

Author(s): estha#4406

Editor(s): FINE#8385

Last updated: 25th Sept 2022

Metaverse is relatively new, but is it really? We have been seeing a shift in technology and the way we communicate with the world for the past 20 years. In the last five or six years, things have been accelerating faster than usual. Is metaverse something that just happened around us in a finger snap?

Actually No, Metaverse is something that has been slowly unfolding around us over long years. It didn't just suddenly appear from Nowhere.

Metaverse came from a blend of two words, Meta and Universe. Meta means Beyond. So it is a universe that is beyond. Metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds that are integrated with one another which allows people to connect with each other and explore different virtual worlds. In this digital meta universe, users have the ability to create their own avatar, explore different environments and interact with other users. The metaverse could be a safe place for people to explore and express themselves without the restrictions of the real world.


One of the earliest known examples of immersive, multi-sensory technology is a machine called Sensorama. This technology, which was introduced in 1962 by Morton Heilig, allowed users to hear, see, smell, and feel a virtual reality environment. The Sensorama is considered one of the earliest examples of VR technology. Now, we are seeing major tech companies trying to build a more immersive, reality-reflected internet for the next generation. They are slowly breaking down barriers between the real and digital world.

The Aspen Movie Map was created in the 1970s by MIT which allowed users to take a computer-generated tour of the town of Aspen, Colorado. This was the first time that VR was used to transport users to another place using a hypermedia system.

The concept of metaverse was first introduced in a novel called “snow crash” written by Neil Stevenson. Stevenson's metaverse was a virtual place where characters could go to escape a dreary reality. The novel, which is set in the near future, explores how people might use virtual reality technology and digital avatars to explore an online world that would be similar to our own with streets, shops, offices, amusement parks and other forms of entertainment. The characters in the novel would be able to visit these places without leaving their homes. The idea of a metaverse once seemed like fiction, but it now looks like it is going to be the future.

An important factor in the development and advancement of the metaverse is Gaming. In these virtual worlds, players can explore, interact with one another, and even create and sell virtual goods and services.
The first game that actually blended into the concept of today’s metaverse was “Second Life” which was released in 2003. In Second Life, users explore an online world through their own avatars. This game allowed for a great deal of personalization and customization, something that did set the stage for later games in this genre.

In 2011, Ernest Cline released Ready Player One, a book that gave readers a glimpse into a completely immersive world. The book became a runaway hit and in 2018 director Steven Spielberg made it into a movie.

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook's role in the development of the Metaverse is significant. In 2014, the company acquired Oculus, virtual reality hardware ,and platform. This was a pivotal moment in the history of the Metaverse, as it showed that Facebook was committed to the development of this new world. In 2021, Facebook took another major step forward by rebranding as Meta. This showed that the company is not only a pioneer of the Metaverse but also that it is committed to its future.

Into the Meta Universe

You don't need to be a tech expert to get into the Metaverse. All you'll need is an internet-connected device, a cryptocurrency wallet, and smart glasses (depending on which Metaverse you want to enter).

Although Metaverse is still being developed, there are already various games and apps that give users a taste of what it will be like. These apps allow users to create an Avatar, enter a virtual world, and interact with other people. In order to enter Metaverse, you will need to have one or several of these apps installed on your VR headset.


Step 1

The initial step to enter into the metaverse is to customize your avatar so that it represents you as an identity in the Metaverse. When you first login, you'll be prompted to choose and customize your appearance. You can go for a variety of different styles, sizes, shapes, and colors. You can also use your crypto to buy clothes, hairstyles, accessories, and more from various retail shops inside the Metaverse.

Step 2

When you join the Metaverse, it's a good idea to spend some time learning your way around. Explore and see where everything is and how it all works. You can talk to people using messages, video calls, search engines etc. One of the best things about the Metaverse is that you can teleport anywhere in the world instantly. So if you feel like exploring, you have to go for it.

Step 3

Games in the Metaverse will be one of the primary means of entertainment for your virtual avatar. There are so many types of games, from shooter to racing to action to horror, and many of the titles available in the real world (for gaming consoles) will also be made available in the Metaverse. Each game will have its own reward system for the top and most regular players, in the form of crypto tokens. For an even more immersive Metaverse experience, play these games with a VR headset.

Step 4

One of the most exciting things about Metaverses is the virtual events. You can either organize one for your friends like a birthday party or an office meeting. You can also attend events organized by others like a concert. What is great is that you can attend these events from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection. With platforms like Roblox, we are seeing a new age of virtual events that are becoming more and more popular. These events can feature anything from famous artists to entire fashion shows. And it's not just entertainment that's moving into this space. In the future, we can expect to see work meetings being held virtually as well. Employees would connect with each other using existing platforms such as Microsoft Teams, but they would be represented by 3D avatars in the Metaverse.

Step 5

In the virtual world, you will come across all sorts of different items. Some or all of these items might be in the form of NFTs (non-fungible tokens). In order to buy or sell these items, you will need to use cryptocurrency. This is why it is important to do your own research on which cryptocurrencies are accepted in Metaverse as well as how transactions are generally carried out and priced. You'll also need to think about where you'll store your tokens and NFTs. If you're not sure how any of this works, a good place to start is by looking at the real-world marketplace for NFTs, such as OpenSea.io. Understanding all of this is key to having a complete virtual world experience

Some Significant Metaverse Virtual Worlds

Some significant Metaverse virtual worlds include Decentraland, Horizon Worlds, Roblox, Sandbox, Breakroom, Spatial, Second Life, Gather, Cryptovoxels, and Somnium Space.


Decentraland is filled with exuberant forests, large oceans, enchanting cities, and skies. It is a Metaverse virtual world that highlights ownership by way of consisting of individual virtual plots manifested as the LAND NFT.

Steps to Join Decentraland Metaverse:
Here are the steps you'll need to take in order to join the Decentraland metaverse community:
Step One: Head to the Decentraland website.
Step Two: Once you're there, find the "Start Exploring" button and give it a click.
Step Three: You'll be given the option to "Play as Guest'' or "Play Using Wallet". If you go with the latter, you'll need to connect your Fortmatic / WalletConnect / Metamask Wallet.

Step Four: And that's it! The game will load up and you can begin playing


Sandbox provides its users with a 3D sightseeing experience. It became a crypto world after getting tied to the blockchain.

Steps to Join Sandbox Metaverse:
In order to join the Sandbox Metaverse, simply follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Sandbox website.

  2. Click on the "Sign In" button.

  3. Connect your MetaMask account.

  4. Enter your email address, password, and username (this will be your name in the Metaverse).

  5. Click on "Create."

  6. Download and install the Metaverse software.

  7. Login with your credentials and you're good to go.

Horizon World

Horizon World, a virtual reality experience that emphasizes gaming, is presented by Meta. It provides users with three options; playing games, attending events, and hanging out in order to socialize.


Although often mistaken for a game owing to oversimplification, Roblox is actually a Metaverse virtual world that has its focus on game creation. Unlike other platforms, Roblox enables its users to create gaming content in ways that are fun and profitable at the same time.


The breakroom is one of the latest Metaverse worlds created in the aftermath of Covid 19 pandemic. Breakroom enables companies to make their own virtual workplace.

Second Life

Linden Lab released Second Life in 2003. It gets the credit for being the very first platform that publicized the idea of Metaverse. Second Life supports complex item creation, combining created items and land deals.


The Metaverse virtual worlds have paved the way for new ways of meeting people and making social connections. Hence, Gather promotes humanity and positive emotions in these new social connections.


The 21st century has been a time of immense growth and expansion in the virtual world. With the rise of social media and the internet, people have begun to create their own Metaverses. These are alternative realities that exist online, and they are often used for entertainment or social interaction. The Metaverse is going to have a pretty profound impact on how humans interact with each other and society as a whole. It will be more immersive and interactive than what the internet has been able to accomplish until now. But, like any ecosystem, its success will depend on how easy it is for people to use it to complete transactions. Many people believe that the Metaverse will continue to grow in popularity and importance in the coming years. Let us put this growth into three phases.


We are currently in the early stage of a metaverse that is made up of current commercially available products and services. This includes things like social networks, online games, e-commerce, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs. Depending on how they are used, these technologies may have one or more characteristics of the metaverse such as being persistent, collaborative, decentralized, and interoperable but the emerging metaverse is not yet complete. In this phase , which will last through at least 2024, the most significant challenge for technology leaders will be creating a sustainable and profitable business based on pre-metaverse use cases such as AR and VR experiences. Technology product leaders will be focussing on exploring and building precursors to the metaverse.


By the next phase which will be 2024-2027, we expect to see a convergence of technologies that we currently consider to be separate. This convergence will enable new solutions that were not possible before and will require new technologies to link physical and digital spaces in a way that people can navigate. The technology that will help bring the metaverse to life will continue to develop during this phase. This includes advances that capture digital data and integrate it into the physical world. These innovations will sense and map people, places, things, and processes. In addition, graph technologies will be used to establish relationships between these elements.


When the metaverse is fully developed, most applications will be designed for collaborative and multi-sourced experiences. The ability to share content across digital experiences will be a key indicator that the metaverse has reached maturity. The decentralization of data will enable a lot of really great things - one of which is real-time localized content updates. This can be useful for geographically distributed stakeholders who need to collaborate in real-time, as it will enable synchronous workflows. The metaverse has the potential to be a really incredible place, and we will start to see that more and more from 2028 onward. We'll start to see it take shape and really come into its own. It will be built on the great work done in Phase 2 and supported by breakthroughs in other areas like 5G, computer vision, and digital currencies.


Today the metaverse is still in its infancy. The fact that major international companies are getting involved and investing hugely in this shows that the metaverse has been chosen as the next digital frontier. Enormous tech corporations are pouring resources into its development. It has huge growth potential for lots of different sectors in the next few years. The metaverse space will grow rapidly, with new benefits emerging every day. While the metaverse is not a new idea, it still represents a new internet and a new way of interacting with others, both professionally and personally.

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